Thursday, February 19, 2015


Hi everyone!

So I never blogged these pictures! I thought it would be fun to do a "Throwback Thursday" post just for them. :)

Every year, our church hosts a banquet for its anniversary, and we invite a guest pastor to speak at the banquet, and preach the Sunday following. Last year, Mr Lee McKinnon was our guest. Our Pastor Tim likes to take our guest speakers to see a little bit of Texas while they're here, and last year, I filled the extra seat in the car on their trek to Austin for the day. We visited the State Capitol and the Bullock Museum. 

It was such a fun day!

The grounds surrounding the Capitol are scattered with statues and historical markers.

We found this super-cool antique drinking fountain. Note the pedal :) 

The capitol dome is larger-than-life, and beautifully designed.

The inside is just as stunning.

Mr David Crockett holds a prominent place in the foyer of the Capitol.

We got to see inside the State House chamber!

There were so many opportunities for detail shots!

There are staircases like this inside, connecting all the floors.

Even the hinges are decked out in Texas Capitol style.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to the Capitol! :)

 ~ hannah jane

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