Tuesday, April 28, 2015

One Year...

Photo by Allie Dean

...can do a lot, folks...


We celebrated two days early, on this past Sunday.

Gluten-free chocolate cake with strawberry icing. Auntie Catherine made the cake, Auntie Hannah frosted it! He has pretty cool aunts, if you ask me. :)

Isaiah enjoyed special time with Grandma & Nana :)

Trying out one of his birthday presents, complete with car sounds!

Adorable confusion when we sang to him...

... and now it's time to eat (and wear) the birthday cake!

Sweet little man, I can't believe you're one! It's been such a joy to watch you grow up! Keep growing, but take your time - stay little while you can, Little Man. I love you sooooo much!

~ Auntie Hannah

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Matthew Bridges Family ~ Portrait Session

You know what's awesome about having your brother, sister-in-law, and nephew living an hour away? 

Wonderful things can happen:

"...we would really love to get some pics of Isaiah in the bluebonnets sometime soon!"

"Ooh!! Yes that needs to happen :) Let's plan that!"

... and look what happened ...

His little plaid shirt coordinated perfectly with the flowers!

"Oh, hey, while we're here, can you take some of Matthew & I?"

Um, yes. We can handle that. :)

These two are just precious.

The bluebonnets were just divine - there were so many of them!


Now, for some pictures of Isaiah with his Daddy...

... and Mommy!

It had just rained, and the water droplets were so amazing!

Thank you, Matthew, Leah and Isaiah, for the privelege of taking your pictures! I so enjoyed the time, I hope you did too! :)

~ hannah jane